

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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XIV International D. H. Lawrence Conference


JULY 3-8, 2017

Deadline extended to Dec. 31

Updated Conference Call Download

London played a crucial role in Lawrence’s early life: he taught here, got his first
literary breaks here, and even got married here in 1914. It was in London that he met
the friends and patrons who launched his career and facilitated his travels, and
whenever he and Frieda returned to England, it was to London that they came first.
Lawrence visited London around fifty times - for the first time in October 1908 for his
interview for a teaching position in Croydon, and for the last time in September 1926.
Over those eighteen years he visited or lived in London in every single year, apart from
during his travels in 1920-22.

He saw the city grow from seven to eight million people, and become the metropolis
we know today, with its buses, trams, private cars, bridges, Underground stations,
West End theatres, and electric street lights. He knew London as it was approaching the
historical peak population; this was followed by decline, and which has only just (in
2015) been exceeded.

He knew the London of the Edwardian period, of the War, and of the jazz age. He
knew middle-class outer-suburban Croydon, but also some of London’s most
fashionable districts, where his friends lived: Hampstead (Edward Garnett, Dollie
Radford and Catherine Carswell), St. John’s Wood (Koteliansky), Mecklenburgh
Square (H.D. and Richard Aldington), and Bedford Square (Lady Ottoline Morrell).
London was the legal, as well as the literary, artistic and theatrical, centre of England.
In 1913 Frieda’s divorce hearing was heard there; in 1915 Lawrence was examined for
bankruptcy at its High Court; in the same year The Rainbow was tried at Bow Street
Magistrate’s Court; in 1927 David was produced at the Regent Theatre; in 1928
Catherine Carswell oversaw the typing of part of Lady Chatterley’s Lover there; in
1928 Lawrence explained ‘Why I Don’t Like Living in London’ in The Evening News;
and in 1929 his paintings were exhibited at the Warren Street gallery and impounded.
Given his hatred of London’s intellectualism and authoritarianism, and his objections
to metropolises in general, it is not surprising that much of what Lawrence writes about
London is negative. But, as he admitted in 1928, ‘It used not to be so. Twenty years
ago, London was to me thrilling, thrilling, thrilling, the vast and throbbing heart of all

For such a nodal city - the world’s biggest city, the heart of the world’s biggest empire,
and a centre of international modernism - it has a peripheral place in his work and in
work about him. But Lawrence could not have become the person and writer he did
without having known his native capital city.

The 14th International D. H. Lawrence conference will be held in London at the
College of the Humanities, Bedford Square, and nearby venues. It is authorized by the
Coordinating Committee for International Lawrence Conferences (CCILC) and
organized in collaboration with the D. H. Lawrence Society of North America and the
D. H. Lawrence Society (UK).

The conference welcomes papers on topics including but not limited to:

§ Lawrence’s experiences of, and/or reactions to, London and its various social
groups and geographical districts
§ Lawrence’s relationships with individual Londoners
§ Lawrence’s interactions with London-based journals and publishers
§ The suppression of The Rainbow
§ The premiere of David in London
§ Lawrence’s exhibition of paintings at the Warren Street Gallery
§ Works written by Lawrence while he was resident in London
§ Lawrence’s responses to and thoughts about cities in general

Papers are welcome from Lawrence scholars, graduate students, and the public.
Papers should last no longer than 20 minutes, and will be followed by 10 minutes of
questions. They will be presented in a panel together with two other papers.

If you would like to contribute, please send an abstract of up to 500 words to the
Executive Director, Dr. Catherine Brown:
by midnight on Dec. 31, 2016 
(unless you are a graduate student who wishes
to apply for a Graduate Fellowship, in which case please follow the alternative
procedure described below). Submissions will be assessed by the Academic Program
Committee detailed below, and responses will be issued by Feb. 15, 2017.
The abstract should include the following information as part of the same file (in
either MS Word or pdf format):

§ Your name, postal address, telephone number, and email address
§ The name of the institution (if applicable) at which you are registered
§ Your CV (1 page condensed version)
§ Please indicate if you need OHP or other such media equipment for your

The Conference Fee is expected to be approximately £280-320 for the week.
The Conference website may be found here:

Graduate Fellowships:
Six Graduate Fellowships are available for Graduate Fellows.
A Graduate Fellowship covers fees, and efforts will be made to make cheap
accommodation available.
Graduate Fellows will be required to help with registration and other duties during the
If you would like to apply for one of these, please fill out the Graduate Fellowship
Application form
 below, or click here.
This competition will be assessed by the Graduate Fellowships Committee chaired by
Dr. Andrew Harrison.  Fellowship Submissions are to be sent to by Dec. 31, 2016.

Executive Director
Catherine Brown
Conference Treasurers
Bethan Jones and Kim Hooper
International Liaison and Assistant Treasurer
Jonathan Long
Conference Webmaster
Joseph Shafer
Conference Designer
Stephen Alexander
Conference Tour Director
Maria Thanassa
Conference Awards Organizer
President of the DH Lawrence Society of North America
Graduate Fellowships Committee Chair
Andrew Harrison
Accommodation Director
Ted Simonds
Conference Consultants
Nancy Paxton and Betsy Sargent
Academic Program Committee
Australia: David Game, Christopher Pollnitz
Canada: Betsy Sargent, Laurence Steven
France: Ginette Roy
Germany: Christa Jansohn, Dieter Mehl
Italy: Simonetta de Filippis
Japan: Masashi Asai
Montenegro: Marija Krivokapic
South Korea: Doo-Sun Ryu
South Africa: Jim Phelps
Sweden: Margrét Gunnarsdóttir Champion
USA: Holly Laird, Nancy Paxton
Michael Bell
Howard Booth
Catherine Brown
David Ellis
Andrew Harrison
Bethan Jones
Sean Matthews
Sue Reid
Neil Roberts
Jeff Wallace