

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Submission Requirements

We are delighted to announce the first Call for Papers for the 13thInternational D. H. Lawrence Conference and cordially invite scholars from around the world to submit proposals to share their original research and “new perspectives” on Lawrence and Lawrence-related subjects.  


Submission Deadline (Extended): December 10, 2013
To: Academic Program Director, Jill Franks (

and Co-Executive Director, Simonetta de Filippis (

Send your 250- word abstract and title on any topic regarding Lawrence's works,  life, friends and milieu, though conference-themed papers are especially welcome.  Papers should last for no longer than twenty minutes and  please note that abstracts of accepted papers will be published in the conference program.  The International Program Committee will review all submissions in Nov-Dec 2013 and acceptances (or other feedback) will be issued by the end of December 2013.  Please send a copy to both email addresses listed above. 


 The conference title is intentionally broad so as to encourage papers addressing  not only the general creative stimulus to Lawrence of his first experience of Europe, and in particular of his period in Gargnano with Frieda,  but also the newness of Lawrence scholarship that utilizes current theory and interdisciplinary directions. Additionally, we  especially encourage papers on Italian themes and on topics relating to translation.  Papers might address any of the following:  

·        Lawrence’s time in Gargnano

·        New directions in Lawrence studies

·        Lawrence as translator of Italian works

·        Translations of Lawrence into Italian

·        Publishing Lawrence in Italy

·        Translations of Lawrence into other languages

·        Lawrence and Europe

·        Specific works/genres associated with the Gargnano and Fiascherino periods, 1912–1914, e.g.:

·        Twilight in Italy and related Italian essays 

·        Sons and Lovers

·        Mr. Noon

·        The Sisters

·        The Fight for Barbara

·        The Daughter-in-Law

·        The Prussian Officer stories

·        Poetic development towards Look! We Have Come Through

·        Biographies of Lawrence and his circle related to the period

·        Lawrence on the eve of World War I

·        Italy and World War I 

·        Broader literary and historical contexts of the period and region (e.g., early Modernism; Italian Futurism; writers and Italian regionalism;  literature and writers of the Italian Lakes/  southern Alps ...)

·        Comparison of the Lawrences’ sojourns in Gargnano, Fiascherino, Firenze and Taormina

·         Creative engagements with Lawrence (original work or reflections on that of others)

For more information, contact:  Academic Program Director, Jill Franks (