

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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D.H. Lawrence: New Life, New Utterance, New Perspectives

Fellowship Application

Announcement of Graduate Fellowships


In order to encourage the participation of younger scholars at the 13th International D. H. Lawrence conference in Gargnano, Italy, the conference organizers will offer 4-6 Graduate Fellowships as described below.  Five prominent Lawrence scholars have kindly agreed to serve on the selection committee for the fellowships:  Andrew Harrison, Masashi Asai, Simonetta de Filippis, Judith Ruderman, with Nancy Paxton serving as chair. 

Graduate students who submit abstracts for presentation at the 13thInternational D. H. Lawrence Conference in Gargnano are invited to apply for conference fellowships.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in Ph. D. programs, writing dissertations on Lawrence or related subjects, and have their abstracts accepted by the Gargnano program committee.  Conference registration fees will be waived for students awarded fellowships.  Fellows will be required to provide 8-10 hours of clerical assistance during the conference registration periods or to provide help with conference-related tasks.  4-6 conference fellowships will be offered, with one reserved for candidates from the University of Milan as the hosting institution. Final decisions will be based on strength of the abstract and the candidate’s ability to contribute skills needed by conference organizers. 

To apply for one of these awards, please send a copy of your abstract and the application below to by Nov. 15, 2013.  The winners of these fellowships will be announced as soon as possible after the program committee completes its review of abstracts. 

Fellowship Winners

Marco Canani

Annalise Grise

Georgia Leefe

Jacob Jon Wells

Andrew Keese

Joseph Shafer






  MS Word Version of Fellowship Application


Application for 2014 D. H. Lawrence Conference Graduate Fellowships:


Your Name: 




Department or program:


Dissertation title:


Expected graduation date:


Title of Paper submitted for 13th International D. H. Lawrence Conference in Gargnano:


Language skills (do you speak/ and/ or read Italian?)


Computer skills: 


Contact Information: Please provide Surface mail address and Email address: