

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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D.H. Lawrence: New Life, New Utterance, New Perspectives

Organizing Committee, 13th International D.H. Lawrence Conference, Gargnano


Co-Executive Directors and U of Milan Academic Director: 

Simonetta de Filippis, Stefania Michelucci, Paul Poplawski, Francesca Orestano


Program Committee

Academic Program Director:  Jill Franks (US) 

Asst. Academic Program Directors:  Dr. Eleanor Green (US) and Simonetta de Filippis (Italy)

International Program Committee:  Ginette Roy (France), Christa Jansohn (Germany), Ron Granofsky (Canada), Stefania Michelucci (Italy), Andrew Harrison and Paul Poplawski (UK), Christopher Pollnitz (Australia),  and Takeo Iida (Japan).

Logistics/Hospitality Director:  M. Elizabeth (Betsy) Sargent

Conference Treasurer:  Joyce Wexler

Conference Webmasters:  Tina Ferris (English site), Marco Canani (Italian site)

Conference Awards Organizer:  Holly Laird

Graduate Fellowships Committee:  Nancy Paxton  and  Judith Ruderman, Co-Chairs

Masashi Asai, Simonetta de Filippis, Andrew Harrison

Conference Consultant:  Nancy Paxton

Conference Excursion Advisers: 

Stefania Michelucci, Paul Eggert, John Worthen, Paul Poplawski


From "On the Lago Di Garda: The Lemon Gardens" in Twilight in Italy by D.H. Lawrence

"I sat and looked at the lake.  It was beautiful as paradise, as the first creation.  On the shores were the ruined lemon-pillars standing out in melancholy, the clumsy, enclosed lemon-houses seemed ramshackle, bulging among vine stocks and olive trees.  The villages, too, clustered upon their churches, seemed to belong to the past.  They seemed to be lingering in bygone centuries. . . .

"Yet what should become of the world?  There was London and the industrial counties spreading like a blackness over all the world, horrible, in the end destructive.  And the Garda was so lovely under the sky of sunshine. . . ."

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Twilight in Italy, by D. H. Lawrence