

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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D.H. Lawrence: New Life, New Utterance, New Perspectives

Conference Program 
(Provisional--Last updated 6/2/14)

 All panel sessions and included meals will be at the University of Milan’s lakeside conference centre, the Palazzo Feltrinelli.   
(Printable version of the program is available for download.  AlsoPanel Guidelines for Chairs and Speakers is also available to print.)

Program Abstracts in a Printable Word File

Email list for registered delegates can be found in the members-only section of the DHLSNA Directory (You must first login)

Mon.  Tue.  Wed.  Thurs.  Fri.  Sat.



 1:00–4:30—Registration  (Palazzo Feltrinelli Foyer)

 5:00–7:00—Opening, Welcome and Keynote Address.   (Aula Magna)

Welcome Address by Professor Francesca Orestano, University
                  of Milan:  "D.H. Lawrence's Oscar". 

 Keynote Address:  Simonetta de Filippis, Jill Franks and
                  Stefania Michelucci:
  “D.H. Lawrence:  Language and
                  Cultural Translation”

7:30–9:20— Welcome Dinner, courtesy of the Mayor of Gargnano

9:30-10:00--World Premiere of a short film adaptation of Lawrence's Rawdon's Roof (written in Italy in 1927).  We hope to follow this exclusive screening with a brief Skype question and answer session with the film's New York producer and director, Monica Tidwell, and some of the actors from the cast.  (Sala Castellani)

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 9:30–11:00—Concurrent session I 

Panel 1:  D.H. Lawrence & Italy I  (Chair:  Paul Eggert)  (Aula Magna)

Nick Ceramella:  Lawrence at “The Theatre”:  Meeting Actors
      and Audience

Andrew Harrison:  “If You Love Me, Send Me Something to Read”:  Lawrence’s Reading in Gargnano 

Samir Dayal:  After New Gods:  D.H. Lawrence, Italy and

Panel 2:  D.H. Lawrence & Other Writers I  (Chair:  Stefania
                  Michelucci)  (Aula C)

Elizabeth Fox:  Pat Barker’s Life Class as Sequel to D.H.
      Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers

Gaku Iwai:  Which Class Does Lawrence Belong to?  Lawrence’s Place among Working- and Middle-Class Writers of  Mining Novels 

Panel 3:  Sexuality  (Chair:  Jill Franks)  (Aula A)

Masashi Asai:  How to Have Meaningful Relationships with the Other—Lawrence, de Sade, Bataille 

David Ellis:  Love and Sex in Lawrence and Stendhal 

Matthew Kochis:  Lawrence’s Brangwen Brothers:  The Tom, Dick, and Harry of Subversive Sexuality 

Panel 4:  Drama  (Chair:  Simonetta de Filippis) (Aula B)

Nora Stovel:  Minerva Victrix:  The Daughter-in-Law:  A Power

Zeynep Atayurt-Fenge:  From the Pits to the Kitchens:  The Dynamics of Food and Eating in The Daughter-in-Law and The Fight for Barbara

11:00–11:30—Coffee break

11:30–1:00—Concurrent session II 

Panel 1:  Biography I  (Chair:  Jacob Wells)  (Aula B)

Barbara Kearns:  The Elephant in the Womb

Frank Morral:  The Drunken Father in Lawrence’s Early Autobiographical Works:  An Alternative View

Panel 2:  Philosophy & Theory I  (Chair:  Sharon Warner)  (Aula C) 

Michael Bell:  Lawrence, Philosophy and the Novel:  A Nagging

Indrek Manniste:  D.H. Lawrence, Technology, and the Sense of

Youngjoo Son:  Rethinking Thing Theory: Lawrence’s “Things”
       and Heidegger’s Jug 

Panel 3:  Wartime  (Chair:  Judith Ruderman)  (Aula Magna)

Nanette Norris:  1914—Two Sides to War:  “England My
       England” and "Vin Ordinaire"

Nancy Paxton:  From The Sisters to The Rainbow:  Redefining
       Romance in Wartime England

Akiko Yamada:  The Symbolic Meanings of the Snake and the Sickle:  A Study of  “England, My England” 

Panel 4:  The Body, the Spirit  (Chair:  Eleanor Green)  (Aula A)

Pamela Wright:  “For when I am weak, then I am strong”:  D.H. Lawrence’s Use of the Apostle Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh” Theme in “The Thorn in the Flesh” 

Hiroaki Inami:  The Eagle and the Dove:  Binary Opposition Hidden in Polarity:  Philosophy in Twilight in Italy


 2:00–4:00—Break (with optional visits / short walking tours)

Walks to be repeated on Thursday; exhibition times and details to be confirmed.  Further options may be available:  sign up for all options at registration.

a)      Walk to Villa Igea and visit a local Limonaia, with Stefania Michelucci and Jill Franks

b)      Walk to San Tommaso with John Worthen

 4:00–-5:30—Concurrent session III 

Panel 1:  Psychoanalysis I  (Chair:  Ron Granofsky)  (Aula Magna)

Peter Balbert:  The Dark Secret and the Coccygeal Continuum: From Oedipus to Debasement to Maturity in The Lost Girl

Howard Booth:  Reaching out in Anguish:  Reconsidering Lawrence’s Pre-War Engagement with Italy

Richard Feinberg:  The Nature of Paul Morel’s Suffering 

Panel 2:  Stylistic Analysis   (Chair:  Matthew Kochis)  (Aula B)

Tonya Krouse:  Aesthetic Crisis and Narrative Momentum in
       Women in Love

Violeta Sotirova:  The Enactment of Feeling:  A Stylistic Analysis
       of  Love Scenes in The Rainbow

Laurence Steven:  Lawrence, Revision, and the "Over-Emphatic
       Explicitness" of Theory

Panel 3:  D.H. Lawrence & Other Writers II  (Chair:  Jane Costin)                            (Aula C)

Dieter Mehl:  D.H Lawrence and Max Mohr 

Naveed Rehan:  Lawrence’s Debt to Pater and Wilde  

Garry Watson:  Lawrence and Tradition(s) 

Panel 4:  Ecocriticism  (Chair:  Holly Laird)  (Aula A)

Adina Ciugureanu:  From Organic Nature to Secular Apocalypse
      with D.H. Lawrence

Marina Ragachewskaya:  D.H. Lawrence and a New Ecological

Catherine Brown:  Lawrence’s Alpine Theology 

5:45–7:15— Keynote Address:  Neil Roberts:  “Jessie Chambers, Frieda Lawrence, and the Rewriting of Sons and Lovers”  (Aula Magna)


9:00–10:00—“D.H. Lawrence:  A Journey Without Shame,” screening of  BBC documentary introduced by writer and director, Rupert Edwards.  (Sala Castellani)

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9:30–11:00—Concurrent session IV 

Panel 1:  Biography II  (Chair:  Andrew Harrison)  (Aula A)

Kumiko Hoshi:  Reading Geoff Dyer’s Out of Sheer Rage: Wrestling with D.H. Lawrence as a Metabiography 

Carmen Musat:  D.H. Lawrence’s Mr Noon and the Descent into Oneself: The Short Way from Biography to Fiction 

Joyce Wexler:  Chasing the Writer 

Panel 2:  Spirituality & Religion I  (Chair:  Masashi Asai)  (Aula B)  

Simonetta Ferrini:  Taoist Wisdom in “The Spinner and the Monks”:  An Ideal Dialogue between D.H. Lawrence and Zhuang-zi 

Jung-A Hwang:  The Dichotomy between Bios and Zoe in D.H.

Rosemary Ross Johnston:  “[A] New Part of the Soul Woke Up Suddenly”:  Lawrence and a Poetics of Learning.

Panel 3:  Poetry  (Chair:  Christopher Pollnitz)  (Aula Magna)

Dawid De Villiers:  Shadow of All Things:  Oceanic Alterity in the
       Poetry of D.H. Lawrence 

Holly Laird:  D.H. Lawrence as a Poet:  A Reintroduction

Nak-chung Paik:  Who Comes After the Subject’s Death?  An Attempt at a Literal Reading of  “The Ship of Death” 

Panel 4:  Reviews  (Chair:  Nancy Paxton)  (Aula C)

Courtney Carter:  Lawrence’s Review of Georgian Poetry:
       Manifesto for a New Age

Annalise Grice:  “That’ll help perhaps to advertise me”: Lawrence’s “The Georgian Renaissance” Review in Rhythm

Betsy Sargent:  Should Phoenix Rise from its Flames? 

11:00–11:30—Coffee break 

11:30–12:30—Concurrent session V 

Panel 1:  Art  (Chair:  Nanette Norris)  (Aula Magna)

Margaret Storch:  Abstraction and “the heat of life”:  Lawrence
       and Contemporary Art

Helen Wussow:  Caravaggio and D.H. Lawrence:  Vulgarity to

Panel 2:  Dance  (Chair:  Nora Stovel)  (Aula C)

Sergio Crapiz:  Dancing Bodies:  D.H. Lawrence and Antonin 
      Artaud’s Poetics of Cruelty            

Flora de Giovanni:  Identity, Performance and Ritual in The Lost

Panel 3:  Gender & Nation  (Chair:  Francesca Orestano)  (Aula A))

Feroza Jussawalla:  Transnational, Postcolonial Lawrence?
      Reading the Other in D.H. Lawrence 

Jacob Wells:  D.H. Lawrence, Masculinity and Morality:  A Study
      for All and None 

Panel 4:  Psychoanalysis II  (Chair:  Fiona Richards)  (Aula B)

John Horrocks:  The Horses in The Rainbow

Joseph Shafer:  D.H. Lawrence’s Demons and the Ghosts of Twilight in Italy:  A Resistant Hauntology 


                        Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera.  Ten kilometres or
                              so south of Gargnano, this striking complex of buildings and
                              gardens with superb views over the lake was the former estate
                              of Lawrence's contemporary, the Italian playwright, poet and
                              novelist, Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863-1938).  See the
                              "Excursions" page for further details.  Delegates to make their
                              own arrangements for lunch (there is a cafe' in the grounds and
                              other options available in Gardone). 

5:30–7:30—Special Panel:  The Cambridge Edition  (Aula Magna)   

                        Linda Bree:  Publishing the Cambridge Edition

                        John Worthen:  “The work is both of us”:  Frieda in The
                               Cambridge Text of Women in Love

Christopher Pollnitz:  How are The Poems Different and What Difference Will the Cambridge Edition Make?       

Paul Eggert (Chair):  Editorial Practice and Theory, and Publishing Constraints, in the Cambridge Lawrence:  A Response 


9:00–10:00—Celebration!  To mark the completion of the Cambridge Edition and the publication of The Poemswith Christopher Pollnitz and other Edition editors.  Organised in conjunction with Cambridge University Press, represented at the conference by Linda Bree.  (Aula Magna)

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9:30–11:00—Concurrent session VI 

Panel 1:  D.H. Lawrence & Italy II  (Chair:  Catherine Brown)  (Aula B)

Georgia Leefe:  Lawrence’s Alienation by Industrialization and

Yumiko Sumitani:  Lawrence’s Affectionate Gaze at Men in Italy: A Transition of His Understanding of Eugenics 

Panel 2:  D.H. Lawrence & Other Writers III  (Chair:  Laurence
                   Steven)  (Aula C)

David Game:  D.H. Lawrence, Zane Grey and the Idea of
       North-West Western Australia 

Sean Matthews:  D.H. Lawrence and T. S. Eliot, Again 

Jane Stafford:  Pit Villages, Garden Parties, D.H. Lawrence and 
       Katherine Mansfield  

Panel 3:  Music  (Chair:  Joseph Shafer)  (Aula Magna)

Bethan Jones:  Soundscapes from Symbols:  Contemporary Musical Settings of Lawrence’s Nature Poetry

Sue Reid:  Man Who Has Come Through:  Anthony Burgess on
       “Lorenzo” and Music

Fiona Richards:  “[T]he age-unbroken silence of the Australian bush”:  Peter Sculthorpe and D.H. Lawrence 

Panel 4:  Animals & Other Consciousness  (Chair:  Tonya Krouse)                     (Aula A)

James Phelps:  “Flesh cometh only out of flesh”:  Darwinian
       Considerations of D.H. Lawrence

Jamie Johnson:  Human-Animal Relations in D.H. Lawrence:
       Calling Anthropomorphism into Question

Hiroko Mizuta:  Foreign Bodies in The Plumed Serpent 

11:00–11:30—Coffee break 

11:30–1:00— Keynote Address (Mark Spilka Lecture):  Carol Siegel:   “D.H. Lawrence, Mentor”  (Aula Magna) 


2:00–4:00 / 5:45—Break (with optional short visits / walking tours)

See also Tuesday.  Further options may be available; sign up for all options at registration.

a)      Walk to Villa Igea and visit a local Limonaia, with Stefania Michelucci and Jill Franks 

b)      Walk to San Tommaso, with John Worthen

4:00–5:30— CCILC (Co-ordinating Committee for International D.H. Lawrence Conferences) meeting to discuss proposals submitted (prior to conference) for the 14th International D.H. Lawrence Conference. (Aula C)

  5:45–7:15— Concurrent session VII 

Panel 1:  Psychoanalysis III  (Chair:  Theresa Thompson)  (Aula Magna)

Ron Granofsky:  “The Far-off Come Near”:  The Uncanny, Estrangement, and Attachment in The Rainbow

Seolji Han:  Sons and Lovers and the Modern Melancholia

Misook Kang:  Lawrence and Lacan on “The Transformation of

Panel 2:  Lawrence and Women  (Chair:  Jamie Johnson)  (Aula C)

Ana La Paz:  New Eve and New Adam:  Lawrence’s Vision of Equality between the Sexes in The Rainbow and Women in Love

Richard Owen:  D. H. Lawrence and Rina Secker

7:30–9:30— Gala Event, with awards announced and short address from
                              H.T. Moore Award winner. 

9:30–10:30— Outdoor concert by the Gargnano Municipal Band.  [To be confirmed.]

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 9:30–11:00—Concurrent session VIII 

Panel 1:  D.H. Lawrence & Other Writers IV  (Chair:  John Worthen)                      (Aula B)

Hiroshi Muto:  D.H. Lawrence and John Lennon:  Two British

Kiwook Han:  Would Lawrence Agree to Deleuze’s View of American Literature?  A Comparative Study of their Critical Essays on Herman Melville

Panel 2:  Philosophy & Theory II  (Chair:  Jim Phelps)  (Aula A)  

Margret Gunnarsdottir Champion:  To Sift the Vital Fact: Learning, Perception and World-Horizons in Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers

Yasuhiro Kondo:  Lawrence, Language and Labour

Julianne Newmark:  “The Networks Come Out of Hiding”: Pluralist and Latourian Contexts for D.H. Lawrence’s Literary Criticism 

Panel 3:  America  (Chair:  Michael Bell)  (Aula Magna)

Sharon Warner:  New Perspectives on Rananim

Andrew Keese:  D. H. Lawrence Uses Hybridity to Overcome the Postcolonial Problem in The Plumed Serpent 

Panel 4:  Pain, Suffering, Death  (Chair:  Sean Matthews)  (Aula C)

Keith Cushman:  The Twilight Vision of Lady Chatterley’s

Paul Poplawski:  Lawrence’s Cruci-fiction:  Christs in the Tyrol
       and Gerald Crich in the Tyrol 

11:00–11:30—Coffee break 

11:30–1:00—Concurrent session IX 

Panel 1:  D.H. Lawrence & Italy III  (Chair:  Julianne Newmark)  
                    (Aula Magna)

Jane Costin:  A New Perspective on the South:  Giovanni Verga 
       and the Red-Headed Brat

Marco Canani:  Italian Landscapes:  the Genius Loci or Spirit of Place in Vernon Lee’s and D.H. Lawrence’s Italian Writings 

Robert Fraser:  Lawrence, the Etruscans and the Fascisti

Panel 2:  Spirituality & Religion II  (Chair:  Feroza Jussawalla)  (Aula C)

Dolat Khan:  The Leap into Darkness and the Quest for Meaning: Transcendence in D.H. Lawrence and the Ibn’Arabi

Theresa Thompson:  Living Space in Etruscan Places

Mark Williams: “Dark Furniture”:  D.H. Lawrence and the
       Afterlife of Christianity 

Panel 3:  Reception & Translation  (Chair:  Indrek Manniste)  (Aula A)

Aïcha Louzir:  D.H. Lawrence:  French Translations and 

Masum Khan:  The Bengali Reception of Look! We Have Come
 during the 1930s 


2:15–4:00—Closing session  (Aula Magna) 

Keynote Address:  Judith Ruderman:  “'Translation is no Equation': Lawrence and the Art of the Original” 

CCILC proposal for the 14th D.H. Lawrence Conference presented for


9:00—Rehearsed reading of Lawrence’s play, The Fight for Barbara (written at Gargnano, October 1912)directed by Margaret Rose, University of Milan.  (Sala Castellani)   [Time to be confirmed.]  Please note that delegates will need to make their own arrangements for dinner.

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Boat trip to Riva at the northernmost tip of Lake Garda, where D.H. Lawrence and Frieda first stayed in September 1912 before taking the steamer to Gargnano.  There will be a short walking tour available in Riva, led by John Worthen and Paul Eggert, to Lawrentian places of interest, and there will be time for delegates to find lunch in the town. 

See the "Excursions" page for further details.

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Printable Version of Conference Program

Printable Version of Guidelines for Chairs & Speakers

Program Abstracts in a Printable Word File

Email list for registered delegates can be found in the members-only section of the DHLSNA Directory (You must first login)