

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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D.H. Lawrence: New Life, New Utterance, New Perspectives

13th International D.H. Lawrence Conference Registration
Gargnano, Lago di Garda, Italy--June 23-27, 2014

Please use the links below to register, after reading the following:


Registration Fees Include:  Admission to all conference activities, which will take place at or near Gargnano’s University of Milan Conference Center, Palazzo Feltrinelli, as well as 3 lunches, 4 dinners (including the Gala Awards Dinner Thursday evening), and 4 morning coffee breaks.  Due to space restrictions, no partial registrations will be possible.   All fees are in USD.

All conference attendees must be or become members of the D.H. Lawrence Society of North America (DHLSNA) for 2014, a nonprofit organization run by volunteers.  The modest dues are included in the registration fee for non-members ($25 Reg or $10 Student) in order to cover website and administrative costs as well as the financial risk assumed by the DHLSNA on behalf of the 13th  International D.H. Lawrence Conference.

To check DHLSNA membership status, visit the roster of current members online to see if you need to select DHLSNA membership along with your conference registration (Are my dues current?). 

Conference Registration Fees--apply March 15 - April 15
 (There will be no onsite registration)

For current DHLSNA members:

Regular members --   $350.00
Student*  members -- $300.00

 For non-DHLSNA members--combined fees:

Regular members --   $375.00
Student*  members -- $310.00

(*Students must be currently enrolled
   in a degree-granting program.)  

Dining Arrangements:
If you would like to bring a non-registered guest to the Gala Awards Dinner, a strictly limited number of meal tickets for this event are available on a first come first served basis.  Select the option to add $50 for a Thursday Gala Guest to your registration fee.  A similarly limited number of dinner packages for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are also available for non-registered guests3 dinners for a total of $70  (lunches and coffee breaks are limited to conference registrants):  select the $70  3-Dinner Package option (MTW).  (Please let us know of any dietary restrictions when you register since menu planning must be completed shortly after registration closes.)

Additional charges apply for some Excursions.  These will be collected in cash (euros) on site.  We would appreciate a tally of those interested in the two excursions thus far planned, so please visit their webpage and read up on them prior to registration so you can mark your interest on the form.  This estimate will aid in arranging tour groups.  Additional excursions/times may be added later, and you will be notified by email of those.

Refunds:  After May 15, 2014, the DHLSNA cannot refund conference fees.  (For refund inquires and registration cancellation before this date, contact Joyce Wexler, Conference Treasurer.)

Accommodations and Travel:
Conference participants are responsible for making their own bookings for accommodations.  Information about hotels offering discounted rates for conference-goers is available online on the Lodging web page.  In Gargnano, breakfast is often included in overnight hotel rates.

See the conference program for panel topics/ schedule, and see the Directions for information on getting to Gargnano.  Direct and affordable group transport from Gargnano to Milan’s Malpensa Airport may be available Saturday the 28th, after the boat excursion, if a sufficient number commit to this option on the registration form (cash payment will be collected at registration in Gargnano on Monday afternoon, 23 June).  A page on Panel Guidelines for Chairs and Speakers has been added in June.  The guidelines can also be printed out in Word and brought with you for convenience.  Please read through the guidelines to help insure smooth running conference sessions.

The conference is now sold out.  If you are presenting a paper and haven't completed registration, please contact Tina Ferris for instructions on registering.

From "On The Lago Di Garda: The Spinner and the Monks" in Twilight in Italy by D.H. Lawrence

"It is all so strange and varied:  the dark-skinned Italians ecstatic in the night and the moon, the blue-eyed old woman ecstatic in the busy sunshine, the monks in the garden below, who are supposed to unite both, passing only in the neutrality of the average.  Where, then, is the meeting-point:  where in mankind is the ecstasy of light and dark together, the supreme transcendence of the afterglow, day hovering in the embrace of the coming night like two angels embracing in the heavens, like Eurydice in the arms of Orpheus, or Persephone embraced by Pluto?

"Where is the supreme ecstasy in mankind, which makes day a delight and night a delight. . . . Why do we not know that the two in consummation are one; that each is only part; partial and alone for ever; but that the two in consummation are perfect, beyond the range of loneliness or solitude?"

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Twilight in Italy, by D. H. Lawrence


Having Trouble Paying? 

If you are having trouble with the payment portion of the conference registration process, we've provided more detailed step-by-step payment Instructions and Tips to help guide you. We want you to have a smooth and easy registration experience.