

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Join the DHLSNA!

Benefits of Membership in the DHLSNA
(Visit the Roster to Check Membership Status)


Among the Advantages:  Membership in the D.H. Lawrence Society of North America encourages contact with other Lawrentian scholars and enthusiasts.  We also provide information about new books and research, conference updates, calls for papers, officer reports, the Lawrence Ranch events and preservation efforts, International news, and other items of interest concerning Lawrence and his circle.  The DHLSNA is a non-profit organization, and its membership dues and donations are tax deductible. 

Directory & Newsletter:  Membership in the DHLSNA includes access to the members-only Directory webpages (updated yearly) and the semiannual newsletter published in the spring and fall (converted to an e-version in 2011)--The Newsletter of the D.H. Lawrence Society of North America will be distributed by email (as a pdf attachment via the DHLSNAlist), and back-issues are archived on the Web--a link is provided in the members-only Directory for the current year's issues.  Please be sure to watch for our newsletter and other important society business in your inbox--if you aren't receiving our messages (which we try to keep to a minimum), make sure we have your most recent email address on file and check your spam filters so that messages get through.  For Newsletter submissions, see contact info below. 

Annual Dues:  The standard term for membership follows the calendar year; however, you may join at any time.  Dues reminders will be emailed to members in January.  For your convenience, online dues payment is available through PayPal, which accepts most major credit cards.  The annual login Password for the Membership Directory will automatically be provided by email upon payment of the yearly dues and become effective on Feb. 1st of each year.  Login code reminders will be printed in the newsletters.   Please support the Lawrence Society and join today!

Am I paid-up?  Check the Current Member Roster
Is my contact information current?  Check your Directory entry.

altRegular RateStudent/
1 Year


2 Year Membership*$50$20
Step One:
Fill Out DHLSNA Info for the Directory
Membership FormMembership Form
Official PayPal Seal
*Note:  A PayPal account is not required to pay for membership -- major credit cards are accepted.  Please be sure to fill out both the DHLSNA Membership Form and PayPal Form in Step 2.  It is essential we have your current email address for society contact purposes only--it won't be distributed elsewhere.

Please Consider an Added Contribution



DHLSNA Contact Info

For questions or submissions regarding the society Newsletter, contact the Editor:

To join the DHLSNA via check, contact the treasurer and send to the following address*:


DHLSNA Newsletter Editor

Erin Johns Speese


DHLSNA Treasurer
Holly Laird
University of Tulsa
800 S. Tucker Dr.
Tulsa, OK  74104-3189
(918) 631-3408

*Mailing address required for Non-Profit status.
