

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Lawrentian Links

Societies & Publications:

D.H. Lawrence Society Facebook -- Join and stay connected.

D. H. Lawrence Review -- Academic journal published in the US.

Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies (JDHLS) -- publication of the D.H. Lawrence Society, London

D.H. Lawrence Society (London)

Etudes Lawrenciennes -- French journal in English edited by Ginette Roy, Professor, U.F.R. Anglo-American Studies at the University of Paris X-Nanterre.  ( ) A few numbers of the journal are now on line:

D.H. Lawrence Society of Australia

The Rananim Society Discussion Group -- friendly email-based listserve featuring discussions of Lawrence's life and works.  Both academic and enthusiasts are welcome.  The Society website also contains several photo albums for members only of the Lawrence Ranch, Taos & Santa Fe area, the Arroyo Seco Cave, Bandelier Ruins, and Flower Imagery.  Founded in 1999 by Helen Croom.

Dawn of the Unread -- Creative Comic featuring Lawrence as Zombie Hunter


Other Useful References:

D.H. Lawrence Ranch – Official Website  The D.H. Lawrence Ranch UNM Initiative for renovation and preservation of the legacy of the author of Lady Chatterley's Lover and Sons and Lovers.  Also linked to their website is an informational video about the Ranch.  It can be found here:

The University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research (CSWR) -- Contains searching ability for their library catalog of rare historical books, photos, drawings, recordings, archival materials and special collections.  The New Mexico Archives Online contains their guide to an extensive Lawrence collection. 

The University of Nottingham's D.H. Lawrence Page 

Garry Shead "D.H. Lawrence Collection" -- Award winning Australian Artist (Paintings presented by Etching House).

D.H. Lawrence Heritage, Eastwood -- Sponsored by Broxtowe Borough Council, features information and tours of the D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum and the Durban House Heritage Centre.  Facebook:

"Poetry, Regeneration, and D.H. Lawrence" -- essay by Kenneth Rexroth (1947) -- has several audio-files of Lawrence's poetry and other works in the public domain read by volunteers.

The "English Review" Archive -- a handy research tool providing page scans of the vintage issues. They include the first 15 issues edited by Ford Maddox Ford and then skip to 1915. But it's amazing that at the touch of a few keys we can pull up a PDF file of the February 1910 issue containing "Goose Fair" and read its original version.

"With the Guns" short poetic essay by D.H. Lawrence in The Guardian archive (1914), protesting mechanical warfare. from the Academy of American Poets -- contains a baker's dozen of Lawrence's poetry and "A Brief Guide to Imagism."

Keith Sagar's D.H. Lawrence Page -- contains two essays that may be downloaded for free ("St Mawr: The Monk and the Beast" and "The Ending of Sons and Lovers")

BBC Radio Documentary on "Lawrence in New Mexico" -- Interview with Geoff Dyer (author of Out of Sheer Rage:  Wrestling with D.H. Lawrence) and readings from Lawrence's American works.

Lambert Leadership & Literature -- Personal website of Dr. Linda Lambert, author of a trilogy of books featuring Lawrence as a connecting thread--Cairo Diary:  An Egyptian Fable(2010), Etruscan Evenings(2011), and Taos Sunrise (due 2012).  Website also contains a blog of her research visits to Taos and the Lawrence Ranch. 

D.H.L. Lake Garda Centenary (1912 -2012) -- International symposium and events scheduled to celebrate Lawrence's time at Lake Garda in Gargnano, Italy.

Our Bert:  D.H. Lawrence's Heartland -- Blog created by Stephen Bailey (member of the Eastwood Lawrence Society) as part of his research on landscapes of Lawrence's youth (including some nice photos).

Salisbury House -- a blog by J. Eric Smith titled, "D.H. Lawrence:  A Manuscript Mystery."



More to Come!
  Send website suggestions to
Tina Ferris.