Memorial Listing
When the Ripe Fruit Falls-- When the ripe fruit falls By D.H. Lawrence |
"Red Willow Trees" by D. H. Lawrence |
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Where available, clicking the name leads to obituary articles, photos, and individual tribute pages. Some families request in lieu of flowers that a donation to the DHLSNA would be appreciated, so we direct them here. |
Gary Adelman (1935-2012) | Prof. of English, Univ. of Illinois, author of Reclaiming D.H. Lawrence.
Lois Ascherman (1925-2011) | Avid Lawrence enthusiast and dear friend of DHL scholars.
Art Bachrach (1923-2011) | Owner Moby Dickens Bookshop in Taos, founder "Friends of DHL" Society.
George Bahlke (1934-2011) | Prof. Emeritus, Hamilton College, NY. Author of "Lawrence and Auden."
David Barnes ( - 2021) |
Lawrence enthusiast (WSU), Created 1st Lawrence Society Webpage & Photographer for Lawrence Ranch National Register Nomination. (Virginia Hyde's husband) |
Carl E. Baron (1943-1997) |
Professor & co-editor of the CUP edition of Sons and Lovers |
Sir Alan Bates (1934-2003) | Actor, played Birkin in Ken Russell's 1969 movie Women in Love.
Al Bearce ( - 2008) | Resident Caretaker for the D.H. Lawrence Ranch near Taos, NM.
James T. Boulton (1924-2013) | Prof. at Univ. of Birmingham, editor for CUP edition of Letters of DHL
Brenda Bronson | Eastwood resident assisted with research projects.
Tim Burstall (1929-2004) | Australian film director of the 1986 adaptation of Kangaroo.
John Patrick (JP) Carswell (1918-1997) | Son of Catherine Carswell, English civil servant and author.
Chong-Wha Chung ( - 2009) | Eminent Korean DHL scholar & Director of Foreign Language Studies.
LaVerne Harrell Clark (1929-2008) | Author/photographer & conference attendee.
L.D. Clark (1922-2014) | Honorary Lifetime Member and Ed. of Plumed Serpent; wrote Minoan Distance & Dark Night of the Body
James C. Cowan (1927-2005) | Prof. & Founder of the DHLR journal & 1st President of the DHLSNA.
H.M. (Bill) Daleski (1926-2010) | Prof., The Hebrew University, Israel, & author of The Forked Flame.
Emile Delavenay (1905-2003) | Prof., Universite de NICE & author of DHL, The Man & His Work.
John R. Doheny (1927-2005) | Emeritus Prof. of English, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Gerald Doherty ( -2014) | Prof. Univ of Turku, Finland--Theorising Lawrence & Oriental Lawrence
Duane Edwards |
Prof., Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., NJ--The Rainbow: A Search for New Life.
Langdon Elsbree (1929-2014) | Prof. Claremont McKenna Univ., CA, author Rituals of Life.
George H. Ford (1915-1994) | Prof. of English at the University of Rochester, author of Double Measure.
W. (Bob) Forster (1914-1997) | Russian/English bookseller and Lawrence collector.
Sandra Gilbert | Scholar and author of Acts of Attention: The Poems of D.H. Lawrence (1972). |
Shirley M. Graef | Retired General Clerk III, interested in DHL's life and writing.
Anna Grmelova ( - 2012) | Czech scholar, wrote The Worlds of D.H. Lawrence's Short Fiction.
John L. Grover (1941-2004) | Independent scholar, particularly interested in Kangaroo & later novels.
Donald Gutierrez (1932-2013) | Prof, Western NMU, wrote Lapsing Out: Embodiments of Death & Rebirth
Evelyn Hinz (1938-2002) | Scholar of Anais Nin & editor of Henry Miller's The World of DHL.
Masako Hirai (1949-2007) | Professor, Kobe College in Ashiya, Japan, wrote Sisters in Literature.
Richard H. Hoggart (1918-2014) | British cultural historian & star witness for the 1960 “Lady Chatterley” trial.
Virginia Hyde (1938-2019) | English Prof. (WSU), H.T. Moore Lifetime Achievement Award, wrote The Risen Adam, ed. CUP Mornings in Mexico, co-authored N.R. Lawrence Ranch Nomination. Interest in DHL's American Period and Myth.
Earl Ingersoll (1938-2021) |
Prof., SUNY at Brockport, author of D.H. Lawrence, Desire, and Narrative (2001). |
Jeannie Jackson (1942-2005) | Artist, inspired by Lawrence's writings & his theme of psychic rebirth.
Mark Kinkead-Weekes (1931-2011) | Prof., University of Kent. Author of CUP biography Triumph to Exile.
Kyoko Kay Kondo ( - 2010) | Professor & author of The Development of Form in DHL's Novelistic Art.
Robert Langbaum ( - 2020) | Prof. at U. of Virginia, author of The Mysteries of Identity (1977) and "Lawrence and the Modernists" (1994).
George Lazarus (1904-1997) | Collector of DHL manuscripts & papers donated to Univ. of Nottingham.
F.R. Leavis (1895-1978) | Pioneer British Lawrence scholar recognized DHL's genius as a novelist.
Susan S. MacNiven (1938-2003) | Asst. Prof. in Dept. of Humanities, SUNY Maritime College, NY.
Louis Martz (1913-2001) | Yale Prof., editor of Quetzalcoatl; author of Many Gods and Many Voices.
Jorgette Mauzerall ( -2016) | Associate Prof. at Fort Valley State University; Associate Editor for the DHLR.
Frederick P.W. McDowell (1915-2009) | Professor, University of Iowa & author of many essays about DHL.
Harry T. Moore (1908-1981) | Pioneer American Lawrence scholar & author of The Intelligent Heart.
Yoshihiro Nakanishi | Professor of International Cultural Studies, Tenri University, Japan.
Margaret Emily Needham (1909-2001) | Daughter of Lawrence's sister Emily King, nicknamed "Peggy."
Koji Nishimura (1907-2004) | Prof. of English, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan & past Pres. of DHLSJ.
Yasuichiro Ohashi | Emeritus Professor of English, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan.
Ross Parmenter (1912-1999) | Music editor for NY Times & author of Lawrence in Oaxaca.
Carol Peirce (1922-2005) | Professor of English, University of Baltimore, MD.
Gerald J. Pollinger (1925-2005) | Literary agent of London's Pollinger Ltd. & manager of the Lawrence estate.
Peter Preston (1944-2011) | Founder, DHL Research Centre, Nottingham; edited Journal of the DHLS.
Oliver Reed (1938-1999) | Actor, played Crich in Ken Russell's 1969 movie Women in Love.
Charles Rembar (1915-2000) | Lawyer who won case allowing Lady C. to be published uncensored.
Arthur Robbins (1935-2003) |
F. Warren Roberts (1916-1998) | University of Texas, Austin, author/editor of Lawrence related books.
Michael Ross | |
Barney Rosset (1922-2012) | Published unexpurgated Grove Press edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover.
Eugene G. Rowley (1932-2005) | Assoc. Professor of English, Wesley College, DE.
Lois Rudnick (1944-2021) | Prof. and authority on Mabel Dodge Luhan, authoring The Suppressed Memoirs of Mabel Dodge Luhan, MDL: New Woman, New Worlds, Edge of Taos Desert and Utopian Vistas. |
Ken Russell (1927-2011) | British film director of Women in Love (1969) & The Rainbow (1989).
Keith Sagar (1934-2013) | Prof. and author of DHL: Calendar of his works, A DHL Handbook, DHL: Selected Poetry, The Life of DHL: An Illustrated Biography, DHL & New Mexico
James Sipple | Past Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Dept., The Lawrenceville School, NJ.
Claude Smith | Major book collector who owned the manuscripts of SCAL.
Mark Spilka (1925-2001) | Prof., Brown Univ., RI, wrote criticism including The Love Ethic of DHL.
Joseph Bruce Stovel (1941-2007) | Professor, University of Alberta, Canada--taught British novelists.
Weldon Thornton (1934-2021) | Professor, Univ. of North Carolina and author of D.H. Lawrence: A Study of the Short Fiction (1993).
Garry Watson (1944-2023) | Professor of English Literature, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Co-edited with Betsy Sargent Teaching the Works of D.H. Lawrence (2001).
Barbara Joy Barr, nee Weekley (1904-98) | Frieda's daughter with Ernest Weekley (nicknamed Barby).
Hugh Witemeyer (1940-2022) |
Professor Emeritus from the University of New Mexico and champion of the Lawrence Ranch initiatives.
Jane Jaffe Young (1940-2009) | Prof, Borough of Manhattan Community College, NY. Book: DHL on Screen