

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Memorial Listing


When the Ripe Fruit Falls--

When the ripe fruit falls
its sweetness distils and trickles away into
the veins of the earth.

 * * *  
When fulfilled people die
the essential oil of their experience enters
the veins of living space, and adds a glisten
to the atom, to the body of immortal chaos.

* * *
For space is alive
and it stirs like a swan
whose feathers glisten
silky with oil of distilled experience.


By D.H. Lawrence

"Red Willow Trees" by D. H. Lawrence




   Where available, clicking the name leads to obituary articles, photos, and individual tribute pages.  Some families request in lieu of flowers that a donation to the DHLSNA would be appreciated, so we direct them here.


Gary Adelman  (1935-2012)Prof. of English, Univ. of Illinois, author of Reclaiming D.H. Lawrence.
Lois Ascherman  (1925-2011)Avid Lawrence enthusiast and dear friend of DHL scholars.
Art Bachrach  (1923-2011)Owner Moby Dickens Bookshop in Taos, founder "Friends of DHL" Society.
George Bahlke  (1934-2011)Prof. Emeritus, Hamilton College, NY.  Author of "Lawrence and Auden."
David Barnes  ( - 2021)

Lawrence enthusiast (WSU), Created 1st Lawrence Society Webpage & Photographer for Lawrence Ranch National Register Nomination.  (Virginia Hyde's husband)

Carl E. Baron  (1943-1997)

Professor & co-editor of the CUP edition of Sons and Lovers

Sir Alan Bates  (1934-2003)Actor, played Birkin in Ken Russell's 1969 movie Women in Love.
Al Bearce  ( - 2008)Resident Caretaker for the D.H. Lawrence Ranch near Taos, NM.
James T. Boulton  (1924-2013)Prof. at Univ. of Birmingham, editor for CUP edition of Letters of DHL
Brenda BronsonEastwood resident assisted with research projects.
Tim Burstall  (1929-2004)Australian film director of the 1986 adaptation of Kangaroo.
John Patrick (JP) Carswell  (1918-1997)Son of Catherine Carswell, English civil servant and author.
Chong-Wha Chung  ( - 2009)Eminent Korean DHL scholar & Director of Foreign Language Studies.
LaVerne Harrell Clark  (1929-2008)Author/photographer & conference attendee.
L.D. Clark  (1922-2014)Honorary Lifetime Member and Ed. of Plumed Serpent; wrote Minoan Distance & Dark Night of the Body
James C. Cowan  (1927-2005)Prof. & Founder of the DHLR journal & 1st President of the DHLSNA.
H.M. (Bill) Daleski  (1926-2010)Prof., The Hebrew University, Israel, & author of The Forked Flame.
Emile Delavenay  (1905-2003)Prof., Universite de NICE & author of DHL, The Man & His Work.
John R. Doheny  (1927-2005)Emeritus Prof. of English, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Gerald Doherty  (    -2014)Prof. Univ of Turku, Finland--Theorising Lawrence & Oriental Lawrence
Duane Edwards Prof., Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., NJ--The Rainbow: A Search for New Life.
Langdon Elsbree  (1929-2014)Prof. Claremont McKenna Univ., CA, author Rituals of Life.
George H. Ford  (1915-1994)Prof. of English at the University of Rochester, author of Double Measure.
W. (Bob) Forster  (1914-1997)Russian/English bookseller and Lawrence collector.
Sandra GilbertScholar and author of Acts of Attention: The Poems of D.H. Lawrence (1972).
Shirley M. GraefRetired General Clerk III, interested in DHL's life and writing.
Anna Grmelova  ( - 2012)
Czech scholar, wrote The Worlds of D.H. Lawrence's Short Fiction.
John L. Grover  (1941-2004)Independent scholar, particularly interested in Kangaroo & later novels.
Donald Gutierrez  (1932-2013)Prof, Western NMU, wrote Lapsing Out: Embodiments of Death & Rebirth
Evelyn Hinz  (1938-2002)Scholar of Anais Nin & editor of Henry Miller's The World of DHL.
Masako Hirai  (1949-2007)Professor, Kobe College in Ashiya, Japan, wrote Sisters in Literature.
Richard H. Hoggart  (1918-2014)British cultural historian & star witness for the 1960  “Lady Chatterley” trial.
Virginia Hyde  (1938-2019)
English Prof. (WSU), H.T. Moore Lifetime Achievement Award, wrote The Risen Adam, ed. CUP Mornings in Mexico, co-authored N.R. Lawrence Ranch Nomination.  Interest in DHL's American Period and Myth.
Earl Ingersoll  (1938-2021)

Prof., SUNY at Brockport, author of D.H. Lawrence, Desire, and Narrative (2001).

Jeannie Jackson  (1942-2005)Artist, inspired by Lawrence's writings & his theme of psychic rebirth.
Mark Kinkead-Weekes  (1931-2011)Prof., University of Kent.  Author of CUP biography Triumph to Exile.
Kyoko Kay Kondo  ( - 2010)Professor & author of The Development of Form in DHL's Novelistic Art.
Robert Langbaum  ( - 2020)Prof. at U. of Virginia, author of The Mysteries of Identity (1977) and "Lawrence and the Modernists" (1994).
George Lazarus  (1904-1997)Collector of DHL manuscripts & papers donated to Univ. of Nottingham.
F.R. Leavis  (1895-1978)Pioneer British Lawrence scholar recognized DHL's genius as a novelist.
Susan S. MacNiven  (1938-2003)Asst. Prof. in Dept. of Humanities, SUNY Maritime College, NY.
Louis Martz  (1913-2001)Yale Prof., editor of Quetzalcoatl; author of Many Gods and Many Voices.  
Jorgette Mauzerall  (    -2016)Associate Prof. at Fort Valley State University; Associate Editor for the DHLR.
Frederick P.W. McDowell  (1915-2009)Professor, University of Iowa & author of many essays about DHL.
Harry T. Moore  (1908-1981)Pioneer American Lawrence scholar & author of The Intelligent Heart.
Yoshihiro NakanishiProfessor of International Cultural Studies, Tenri University, Japan.
Margaret Emily Needham  (1909-2001)Daughter of Lawrence's sister Emily King, nicknamed "Peggy."
Koji Nishimura  (1907-2004)Prof. of English, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan & past Pres. of DHLSJ.
Yasuichiro OhashiEmeritus Professor of English, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan.
Ross Parmenter  (1912-1999)Music editor for NY Times & author of Lawrence in Oaxaca.
Carol Peirce  (1922-2005)Professor of English, University of Baltimore, MD.
Gerald J. Pollinger  (1925-2005)Literary agent of London's Pollinger Ltd. & manager of the Lawrence estate.
Peter Preston  (1944-2011)Founder, DHL Research Centre, Nottingham; edited Journal of the DHLS.
Oliver Reed  (1938-1999)Actor, played Crich in Ken Russell's 1969 movie Women in Love.
Charles Rembar  (1915-2000)Lawyer who won case allowing Lady C. to be published uncensored.
Arthur Robbins  (1935-2003) 
F. Warren Roberts  (1916-1998)University of Texas, Austin, author/editor of Lawrence related books.
Michael Ross
Barney Rosset  (1922-2012)Published unexpurgated Grove Press edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover.
Eugene G. Rowley  (1932-2005)Assoc. Professor of English, Wesley College, DE.
Lois Rudnick  (1944-2021)Prof. and authority on Mabel Dodge Luhan, authoring The Suppressed Memoirs of Mabel Dodge Luhan, MDL: New Woman, New Worlds, Edge of Taos Desert and Utopian Vistas.
Ken Russell  (1927-2011)British film director of Women in Love (1969) & The Rainbow (1989).
Keith Sagar  (1934-2013)Prof. and author of DHL: Calendar of his works, A DHL Handbook, DHL: Selected Poetry, The Life of DHL: An Illustrated Biography, DHL & New Mexico
James SipplePast Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Dept., The Lawrenceville School, NJ.
Claude SmithMajor book collector who owned the manuscripts of SCAL.
Mark Spilka  (1925-2001)Prof., Brown Univ., RI, wrote criticism including The Love Ethic of DHL.
Joseph Bruce Stovel  (1941-2007)Professor, University of Alberta, Canada--taught British novelists.
Weldon Thornton  (1934-2021)
Professor, Univ. of North Carolina and author of D.H. Lawrence:  A Study of the Short Fiction (1993).
Garry Watson  (1944-2023)Professor of English Literature, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Co-edited with Betsy Sargent Teaching the Works of D.H. Lawrence (2001).
Barbara Joy Barr, nee Weekley  (1904-98)Frieda's daughter with Ernest Weekley (nicknamed Barby).
Hugh Witemeyer  (1940-2022) Professor Emeritus from the University of New Mexico and champion of the Lawrence Ranch initiatives.
Jane Jaffe Young  (1940-2009)Prof, Borough of Manhattan Community College, NY. Book: DHL on Screen
