

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Detailed List of MLA Papers on Lawrence

1980:  D.H. Lawrence Studies After Fifty Years  (Houston, TX)

Papers by:

George Zytaruk
L.D. Clark
James Cowan

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1981:  Lady Chatterley's Lover:  Reappraisals of Context  (New York)

"Yes Because They Never Did a Thing Like That Before:  Lady Chatterley's Lover and Joyce's Ulysses" by Zack Bowen, University of Delaware.

"Venus Observed:  Lady Chatterley Under the Net of Art" by John J. Teunissen, University of Manitoba.

"Lady Chatterley's Lover:  The Embodied Self" by T.H. Adamowski, Erindale College, University of Toronto.

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1982:  From the Miner's Kitchen to the Court of Israel:  The Plays of D.H. Lawrence  (L.A.)

Papers by:

Lawrence Gamache
Holly Laird
William Mallory

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1985:  The Influence of D.H. Lawrence  (Chicago)

"An American Connection:  Lawrence's Influence on Sherwood Anderson" by Barnett Guttenberg, University of Miami.

"Lawrence and the Woman Writer:  The Lost Girl and Margaret Drabble's Jerusalem the Golden" by Nora Foster Stovel, University of Alberta.

"The Lawrentian Power of Equus" by Stanley Renner, Illinois State University.

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1986:  Mr Noon

Papers by:

Peter Balbert, Wells College
Lydia Blanchard, Southwest Texas
Paul Delany, Simon Fraser University

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1987:  D.H. Lawrence Among the Moderns (San Francisco)

"Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence:  Exploring the Good Darkness" by Earl Ingersoll, SUNY College, Brockport.

"Lawrence, Joyce, and the Void Incertitude" by Diane Bonds, Candler School of Theology, Emory.

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1988:  D.H. Lawrence and Politics, Sexual and Otherwise (New Orleans)

"Lawrence and British Socialism" by Keith Alldritt, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

"The Sacred and Inviolate Mother:  D.H. Lawrence and the Female Will" by Margaret Storch, Bentley College.

"What Burstall Saw and Millett Missed:  Rewriting the Sexual Politics of Kangaroo" by M. Elizabeth Wallace, Western Oregon State College

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1989 (Washington, DC -- Two sessions):

  • The Cambridge Edition
    "The Cambride Lawrence Edition and Post-Structuralism"
    by Paul Eggert, Australian Defense Force Academy.

    "Editing Lady Chatterley:  The Inside Story and a Preliminary Critique of the Cambridge Edition of D.H. Lawrence" by Michael Squires, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

    "Ur--Sons and Lovers Texts" by John Worthen, University College, Swansea.

  • Lawrence and Psychology

    "Ten Men and a Sacred Prostitute:  The Psychology of Sex in the Cambridge Edition of The Lost Girl"
    by Peter Balbert, Trinity  University.

    "Blutbruderschaft and Self-Psychology in Women in Love" by James Cowan, University of North Carolina.

    "To Speak Like a Woman:  Revising Family Relations in Sons and Lovers" by Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson, University of Ottawa.

    "Lawrence's Psychology of Bonding" by P.T. Whelan, Mu'tah University, Jordan.

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1990:  Lawrence and the Body (Chicago) 

"D.H. Lawrence and the Eye" by Charles Ross, University of Hartford.

"The Body as Symbol of Itself:  The Problem of the Ideal in D.H. Lawrence" by Marcia Ian, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

"Deceptive 'Tenderness':  The Passive Subordination of Connie in Lady Chatterley's Lover" by Robin Beaty, Manhattan College.

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1991:  Lawrence and Current Narrative Theory (San Francisco) 

"Lawrence, Bakhtin, and the Polyphonic Novel" by Joan Peters, University of Hawaii.

"Gender and Narrative Structure in Sons and Lovers" by Earl Ingersoll, SUNY Brockport.

"Maxwell's Demon and the Lawrencean Daemonic:  Modern Scientific Culture and D.H. Lawrence's Writing" by Bruce Clarke, Texas Tech University.

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1992:  Lawrence Encountering the Americas (New York) 

"The Problem of Narcissism in Lawrence's Late Fiction," by Duane Edwards, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford.

"Seeds of Exchange: St. Mawr as Lawrence's American Garden," by Dan Stiffler, Randolph-Macon Woman's College.

"Lawrence, Mabel Dodge Luhan, and the Taos Artists: the Primitive Origins of The Plumerd Serpent," by Margaret Storch, Massachusetts Deptartment of Education.

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1993:  Lawrence and the Ideologies of Change (Toronto, Canada) 

"Releasing the Dead Mother:  Lawrence's Opposition to Nostalgia" by Carol Siegel, Washington State University.

"Lawrence's Quest for a 'Natural' Law:  Naturalizing the Rape of a Woman, Denaturalizing the Rape of the Land" by Ann ter Haar, University of California at Davis.

"W(h)o(a!) Men in Love?:  Homoeroticism and Homophobia in Lawrence's Fiction" by Elizabeth Fox, Boston University.

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1994:  Women in Love Reconsidered (San Diego)     

"Frieda Lawrence and the Development of Women in Love" by Michael Squires, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

"Totem, Taboo, and Blutbruderschaft:  Reconsidering the Meaning of the Primitive in Women in Love" by Carola M. Kaplan, California State University, Pomona.

"Sexuality Inside and Outside of the Field of Vision in Women in Love" by Garry Watson, University of Alberta.

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1995:  Reconsiderations of the Feminist Case against Lawrence (Chicago)  

"Journey into the Cave:  Lawrence's 'The Woman Who Rode Away'" by Sheila Contreras, University of Texas, Austin.

"Lawrence and the 'Oedipal Riddle'" by Alan Williamson, University of California, Davis.

"Inventory of the Lost:  Female Sexuality in Lawrence's Lost Girl and Feminism's Unspeakable" by Carol Siegal, Washington State University, Vancouver.

"Recovering the Lost Mother in Lawrence's Fiction" by Monika Elbert, Montclair State University, Chicago, IL.

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1996:  Lawrence's Letters (Washington, DC) 

"Directions of Address and Imaginative Movement in Lawrence's Letters" by Karl Henzy, University of Delaware, Newark.

"From Quetzalcoatl to The Plumed Serpent in Lawrence's Letters" by Louis Martz, University of Delaware, Newark.

"The Heuristics of Audience in Writing-to-Learn:  Lawrence's Letters as Thought Adventures" by Elizabeth Sargent, Western Oregon State College.

"Colorful Correspondence:  Painterly Vision in Lawrence's Letters" by Jack Stewart, University of British Columbia.

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1997:  The Problem of Lawrence in the Academy (Toronto, Canada) 

"Off the Syllabus:  Why Lawrence is No Longer Taught" by Gary Adelman, University of Illinois, Urbana.

"Lawrence and His Reception by Feminists" by Stephany Borges, Cornelia Connelly School.

"Passing the Impasse of the Other Lawrence" by Maia Boswell, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

"Inscribing the Body:  Lawrence and the Modern Media Ecology" by Michael Wutz, Weber State University.

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1998:  Subverting the Norms (San Francisco) 

"At the End of The Rainbow:  Shifting Lesbian Identities in D.H. Lawrence's Fiction" by Justin D. Edwards, University of Montreal.

"A strange, Perilous Intimacy:  Sadomasochism and the Threat to Gender and Sexual Identity in Women in Love" by Marya McFadden, University of Southern California.

"Thinking like a Chicken--or a Porcupine:  Lawrence, Feminism, and Animal Rights" by William M. Harrison, State University of New York, Geneseo.

"Recycling the Empire:  The Leadership Novels" by Jean Eldred Pickering, California State University, Fresno; and Suzanne Kehde, California State University, Fresno.

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1999 (Chicago -- Two sessions): 

  • Modern, Postmodern: D.H. Lawrence and Doris Lessing

    "Working-Class Appeal and Blurred Boundaries between Serious and Popular Novels:  Doris Lessing's Diary of a Good Neighbor, her autobiography, and Lawrence's Sons and Lovers" by Sally Ann Jacobsen, Northern Kentucky University.

    "Lessing and Lawrence's Sexualized Metaphysical Spaces" by Debrah K. Raschke, Southeast Missouri State University.

    "Mothers and Lovers in Intersubjective Space:  Lawrence's Sons and Lovers and Lessing's Under My Skin" by Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis, University of Ottawa.

  • The Postcolonial Lawrence 

"From Myth to Magic Realism:  D.H. Lawrence and Gabriel Garcia Marquez" by Joyce Piell Wexler, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

"D.H. Lawrence as Postcolonial Visionary?  Rescription of Race and Gender in Kangaroo and The Plumed Serpent" by Khani Begum, Bowling Green State University.

"Transgressing Libidinal Frontiers:  Colonization Practice in Lawrence's Birds, Beasts and Flowers" by Theresa Mae Thompson, Valdosta State University.

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2000:  Lawrence and the Millennium: The Prophetic Vision (WA, DC) 

"The Telepathic Mass-Spirit:  Psychical Research and Social Evolution in D.H. Lawrence's Kangaroo" by James Keeley, Columbia University.

"Recuperating Paganism:  Lawrence's Apocalypse" by Mary Bryden, University of Reading, England.

"Lawrence's Prophetic Vision in Etruscan Places, The Escaped Cock, and Apocalypse" by Jack F. Stewart, University of British Columbia.

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2001:  D. H. Lawrence: The Sacred and Profane (New Orleans) 

"Sex Isn't Everything (but It Can Be Anything)" by Joyce Piell Wexler, Loyola University, Chicago.

"The Haunted Cosmos" by Douglas J. Barrett, Gardnerville, NV.

"D.H. Lawrence's The Escaped Cock:  Where the Sacred Meets the Profane" by Jorgette Lee Mauzerall, Fort Valley State University.

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2002:  Lawrence and Ecology (New York) 

"Lawrence's Place in the Literary Tradition of Nature Writing" by Stephany D. Borges, Humboldt State University.

"D.H. Lawrence as Ecologist:  Eulogy and Prosopopoeia" by Gregory Frank Tague, Saint Francis College.

"Ecocultural Materialism:  D.H. Lawrence's Ecocritical Pantheism" by Helena Feder, University of California, Davis.

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2003 (San Diego -- Two sessions): 

  • Lawrence and the Spirit of Place, I

    "Mother Earth and Father Sky:  Mornings in Taos" by Rachela Permenter, Slippery Rock University.

    "The Natural Plexus:  Place as Development and Desire" by Kathryn E. Miles, Unity College.

    "Binding Space and Time:  Lawrence's Monasteries" by M. Elizabeth Sargent, University of Alberta.

  • Lawrence and the Spirit of Place, II                                       

"Lawrence of Africa:  Travel Writing as Ritual Performance" by Greg Miller, University of California, Davis.

"(Dis)Placing the Gypsies in The Virgin and the Gipsy" by Michael Kramp, University of Northern Colorado.

"'A New Place':  Aesthetics of Place in Aaron's Rod" by Divya Saksena, George Washington University.

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2004 (Philadelphia -- Two sessions): 

  • Lawrence and America: Crosscurrents

    "Ambiguous Crossing:  Melvillean Katabasis in 'The Woman Who Rode Away'" by Marijane Osborn, University of California, Davis.

    "Locating the Future Native:  Lawrence's American Neonativism" by Julianne Newmark, University of New Mexico.

    "The Authority of Phantasy in Studies in Classic American Literature and The Plumed Serpent" by Robin Nilon, Temple University.

  • Lawrence and America:  New Perspectives                              

"Lawrence's American Audience in Vanity Fair" by Hannah Crawforth, Princeton University.

"Lawrence's Modern Myth of Return in The Plumed Serpent" by Christopher Schedler, Central Washington University.

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2005 (Washington, DC -- Two sessions): 

  • Lawrence as Poet

    "'We look at Him through the Wrong End of the Long Telescope of Time':  D.H. Lawrence and the Amblings of a Modernist Nature Poet"
    by Christine Cusick, Slippery Rock University.

    "Geography of the Body:  Mapping the War in D.H. Lawrence's Look, We Have Come Through!" by Pamela K. Wright, Texas A&M University, Kingsville.
  • Lawrence's Nonfiction Writings                                     

"Concept and Form in D.H. Lawrence" by Marlong D. Kuzmick, Wake Forest University.

"D.H. Lawrence's Cockney Letters" by John Lyon, University of Bristol.

"A Quaking Star:  D.H. Lawrence and Zelia Nuttall" by Sheila Ellen Pardee, Southeast Missouri State University.

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2006 (Philadelphia -- Two sessions): 

  • D. H. Lawrence and the Body

    "Ursula's Stone and Connie's Body" by Gregory tague, St. Francis College.

    "Electric Blood:  Gothic Bodies in Women in Love" by Daniel Darvay, University of Oklahoma.

    "Why isn't Lady Chatterley Beautiful?" by Joyce Wexler, Loyola University, Chicago.

  • D. H. Lawrence and His Contemporaries                                   

"D.H. Lawrence in Bloomsbury:  E.M. Forster" by Earl Ingersoll, SUNY Brockport.

"D.H. Lawrence and British Modernism" by Mark Wollaeger, Vanderbilt University.

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2007 (Chicago -- Two sessions): 

  • D. H. Lawrence and Film

    "Lost Girls, Lost Boys, and Movie Stars:  Reconsidering Lawrence on Film" by Nancy L. Paxton, Northern Arizona University.

    "Lawrence's 'Water Party' and Ken Russell's:  The Power of Film Adaptation" by Earl Ingersoll, SUNY Brockport.

  • Eugenics, Fascism, and D. H. Lawrence

"Lawrence, Eugenics, and the Historical Twister" by Pradyumna S. Chauhan.

"Fascism, the Female Body, and Rae in D.H. Lawrence's Kangaroo" by Jorgette Mauzerall.

"White Men Had Had a Soul, and Lost It:  Blood and Power in The Plumed Serpent" by Theresa Mae Thompson.

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2008 (San Francisco -- Two sessions):  

  • Masculinities in Lawrence

    "Female Masculinity and Mannish Femininity in Lawrence's The Rainbow and The Fox:  Literary Mediations of Sexual Science" by Brenda Helt, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

    "Subject of Power and Object of Desire:  Lawrence's Gerald Crich and Masculinity's (Im)Mobility" by Brett L. Keeling, Northeastern University.

    "The Politics of Friendship:  Rethinking Lawrence's 'Turn'" by Marlon Kuzmick, Harvard University.

  • D. H. Lawrence and Violence

          "Violence and Domesticity in Postwqar Lawrence" by Heather Lusty, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

"Violence and Valor:  Shifting Visions of Regeneration in Lawrence's Australian Novels" by David Game, Australian National University.

"Is Fighting with Your Girlfriend like Fighting the Germans?" by Joyce Wexler, Loyola University, Chicago.

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2009 (Philadelphia -- Two sessions):  

  • D. H. Lawrence's Short Stories

    "A Family Systems Interpretation of 'Horse-Dealer's Daughter'" by Beth McFarland-Wilson, Northern Illinois University.

    "Ecology and the Creaturely in 'Sun'" by Carrie Rohman, Lafayette College.

    "Till Death Do Us Part:  The Implications of Illness, Disability, and Death on Love and Romance in Lawrence's 'The Blind Man' and Somerset Maugham's 'Sanitorium'" by Pamela K. Wright, North Georgia College and State University.

  • D. H. Lawrence's Circle
"D.H. Lawrence and Katherine Mansfield" by Jill Franks, Austin Peay State University.

"D.H. Lawrence and Dollie Radford" by Lynne K. Talbot, Roanoke College.

"Frieda Lawrence and German Post-expressionism" by Joyce Piell Wexler, Loyola University, Chicago.

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2010:  MLA meetings changed from December to January--see entry for 2011.

2011:  Queering Lawrence (Los Angeles)   

"The Escaped Cock?  Male Homoeroticism in D.H. Lawrence's Poetry" by Merrill Cole, Western Illinois University.

"Queering Masochism:  The Rainbow's Radical Marriage Complex" by Jennifer Mitchell, CUNY Graduate Center.

"Queering Masculinity in The Virgin and the Gipsy" by Bret Keeling, Northeastern University.

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2012:  50 years after the Lady Chatterley Trial:  Lawrence & Censorship/Pornography/Obscenity (Seattle)

"Puritanical Writing:  Testing the Boundaries of Morality in Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover and Phillip Roth's Sabbath's Theater" by Terry A. Michels, Happy Camp, CA

"Aren't We Guilty Too?  The Censorship of D.H. Lawrence in the Ivory Tower" by Erin Johns Speese, West Virginia University, Morgantown.

 "The Censorship of Lady Chatterley's Lover and Sexual Repression:  Ian McEwan's Atonement and On Chesil Beach" by Earl G. Ingersoll, SUNY, Brockport.

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