

D. H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Nomination Chronology of the Lawrences in America

National Register Nomination for the D.H. Lawrence Ranch


SECTION 8:  Significant Dates


1922 –  The Lawrences arrived in America and settled down in Taos at the invitation of the ranch’s former owner Mabel Dodge Sterne (later Luhan).  Lawrence’s first visit to the ranch was in October.

1924 –  The Lawrences began ownership, reconstruction, and residency at Kiowa Ranch, adding two porches and a fireplace to the Homesteader’s Cabin.  D.H. Lawrence wrote stories and essays including St. Mawr, “The Princess,” “The Woman Who Rode Away,” “Pan in America,” and “The Hopi Snake Dance.” 

1925 –  Lawrence recovered from illness at the ranch while writing the play David, producing significant essays like “Art and Morality” and “Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine,” and revising part of his novel The Plumed Serpent.  Ranch improvements included construction of the cowshed and the installation of water pipes for irrigation.  

1931 –  Frieda Lawrence and Angelo Ravagli (on six-month visa) inspected the ranch’s  condition.  Frieda began memoirs of her life with D.H. Lawrence.

1933 –  Frieda began residency with Ravagli who constructed a new log cabin (presentcaretaker’s cabin) in place of the “guest cabin,” which was torn down and recycled.

1934 –  Frieda published her book on D.H. Lawrence, Not I But the Wind. . . , and Ravagli built the Lawrence Memorial.

1935 –  Lawrence’s ashes were transferred from France to the Lawrence Memorial at Kiowa Ranch.

1955 –  Frieda deeded the ranch property to the University of New Mexico, on the condition that 10 acres remain open to the public and used for “educational, cultural, charitable, and recreational purposes.”

1956 –  Frieda Lawrence Ravagli died and was buried at Kiowa Ranch near the Lawrence Memorial.  It has since been renamed the “D.H. Lawrence Ranch.”

Chronology by Tina Ferris & Virginia Hyde